EOI for GSTDF-Strategic Element Round 1 Has Now Closed
Thank you for your interest. Please stay tuned for announcements on future rounds.

Open up to a world of science and technology enterprise - $100K to $1 million in grants available



Advanced manufacturing
Advanced manufacturing
Hydrogen production
Hydrogen production
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence
Quantum computing
Quantum computing
RNA (mRNA) vaccines & therapies
RNA (mRNA) vaccines & therapies
Applications for Round 1 of GSTDF-Strategic Element are now closed.

We are currently assessing the submissions. All applicants will be notified of the outcome once the evaluation process is complete.

$6 million in grants are now available to grow international collaboration in our region, enhance Australia’s standing as a science and technology leader, and drive innovation and commercialisation in priority areas. 

Grants from AUD $100,000 to $1,000,000 are available for eligible Australian organisations collaborating on key areas of science and technology with priority partner countries across the Asia-Pacific region.

Applicants must focus on one of five priority themes and include at least one priority partner country:

Priority themes Advanced manufacturing Quantum computing Artificial intelligence Hydrogen production RNA (including mRNA) vaccines and therapies
Priority Countries

Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam

See the grant guidelines for further detail on eligible applicants, partners and activities for this opportunity.

The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE), in collaboration with the Australian Academy of Science, will deliver the Australian Government’s Global Science and Technology Diplomacy Fund (GSTDF) Strategic Element, to open up a world of science and technology enterprise for Australian researchers and innovators.

By identifying and supporting strategic international science and research collaborations, the fund will play a pivotal role in advancing science and technology landscape in the Asia-Pacific region.

The program consolidates international science programs in the Industry, Science, Energy and Resources portfolio and is designed to create efficiencies and allow for a greater focus on supporting strategically important international science, research, and technology collaborations with partners in the Asia-Pacific Region.

If you would like to learn more about this exciting opportunity, please view the recording of the Global Science and Technology Diplomacy Fund - Strategic Element information session webinar.

31 May - EOIs applications close

September - Full applications close

November - To announced

Dates are indicative and subject to change. All outcomes will be communicated via email. Please monitor your inbox and check your spam folders as well.